Freitag, 16. Januar 2009

Anonymizing References in LaTeX

The problem: submit a TeX paper where self-references are removed (of course, removing them completely from the source will make it more difficult to create the camera-ready later).

Step 1: duplicate your entries, and attach a suffix (e.g. "-orig") always to one of the copies. Use that one to create the camera-ready later.
Step 2: Take the other copies, and remove all the information except the year of publication. As the author, indicate "\zzz{} ...", where \zzz is a macro defined in the main tex document (\newcommand[0]{\zzz}{}). The \zzz will help to make the left-out references appear at the bottom of the list.

Now each entry is dublicated as:

author = {Real Author},
booktitle = {Real Book Title},
year = {2010}

author = {\zzz{} ...},
year = {2010},
note= {$<$ hidden reference $>$}

In the submission copy, all references indicate ... as the author. To enable references again for the camera-ready, rename the labels again (e.g. replace "-orig" with "").

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